
This summary explains the strategy of our mission that is to build Digital Marketing platforms and services to Corporate Clients, Health & Dental Clinics and Educational Institutions combined with a Network Employment Solution for students, job seekers and head hunters.

In Brazil there are about 5 million college students in near 5,000 schools and between 10 million to 12 million people looking for jobs.

Over 2 million medium, small companies, stores, clinics as also the large corporations needs Digital Marketing services.

Helping job seekers finding a job, they naturally will lead us to companies where we can sale our Digital Marketing services.

To conquer these job seekers we built a free training center and our master´s anchor that is the Video Curriculum.

In order to obtain the attention of potential clients we built these services using when ever possible free tools, tutorials and a portal of main digital software's.

Thank you very much, for visiting us.

To contatc us please use the e-mail: revistas.virtuais@gmail.com